Oh yeah, it's here to stay I fear. Still vomiting at 15 weeks, and even though I was hopeful, I was realistic that it might last the duration like with Caleb. Hyperemesis Gravidarium is a severe form of morning sickness that I've been cursed with. I take a medicine "cocktail" as I call it, and use every "magic trick for curing morning sickness" I've ever heard of, but it's just not that simple it seems in my case. Let's not go into what is was like to NOT be medicated. Anyways, so I've been blessed to stay with my mom and my brother while my husband is gone for 5 weeks for military training. Even after going through finals with Phillip, I can't imagine 24 hours by myself trying to care for myself and Caleb.
Another OCD moment...
Names. Oh yeah, we have them, however, they don't work for one simple reason: syllables. Yeah, along with all even birthdays, somehow the three of us managed to have three names each, with two syllables each, making them all flow in perfect harmony. NONE of the names for boys or girls we've picked fit into our already established pattern. haha It's a tough life I lead....
Now I've got to find a new hiding place for the don't worry be happy singing fish...
you make me laugh Dana. I'm glad I'm not the only one that worries about the silly stuff :)