I have a lot to say, including our official arrival date for this babe, so bear with me if you can...a few pictures included at the bottom...
Today a friend brought a freaking HUGE gourmet cupcake over for my birthday next week. Red velvet thank you very much. I have to say, I ate half of it, and then walked a mile and a half! Something is very off about my pregnancies compared to those around me it seems- I mean, I pretty much have always known that, but having the most energy in the third trimester and getting the most exercise (let's be honest, any since 6 weeks) then is still a little strange no?? Sadly, (is it really though? ;) ) our neighbor made us a beautiful dinner tonight including a chocolate ganache cake. Oh my. Good thing I only had one small slice! My weight is under control, but definitely won't be if my friends keep blessing me with goodies, and I keep having baking spurts like this week!
Caleb's birthday is coming up. The weekends of school functions, church functions, and just plain baby prep are quickly stating claim on each weekend. I've GOT to get the date for his party finalized and the final preparations made! That will be much easier to do now that the next topic is under control...
I had the big doctor's appt. yesterday!!!! 32 weeker, and the major pow-wow about the c-section. I of course had many questions, even after all my research for almost 4 years, especially regarding this particular doctor's practices on things like stapling vs. sutures and pain medication options. Can I just say I love my doctor?!?!! She definitely made me feel at ease and was very patient with all of my (and Phil's) concerns. She told us we could call Deb at the back desk and continually check that she was still on schedule for that day at the hospital if we wanted to. Hey, I'm not insane okay, last time my doctor scheduled me to be induced in TWO DAYS and didn't have the courtesy to tell me he (the only one I saw my whole pregnancy) wouldn't be showing up for it! Suffice it to say this experience has been blessedly different! Going back in two weeks! TWO WEEKS!? I never did that with Caleb. That's right, because of all my due date drama, I never had an appt. every two weeks. Straight from 4 weeks to 1 week- so when she told me when to make my next appt. , I was kinda like HUH? for a second until I remembered that was normal!!! haha This baby is GROWING and MOVING soo much constantly that I actually feel like a baby and not an alien is inside me now. I can see body parts and my whole stomach moves. Wow. Still on track for growth- although I think now he might not be the 6 lber I'd hoped for- right now it feels like 10. Yes, I know I'm supposed to grow for a few more weeks- AHHH!
I technically have 53 more days of pregnacy left, but only 49 more in reality!!! That's right, we set the date. 11/10/11. November 10th. It sounds right to me. I know some are bummed I'm not having Shane the next day- cause well, it is 11/11/11, but honestly I wanted an even number, that day is Friday, and well, the hospital is already nearly booked. I didn't want to fight it. I want my first pick of rooms, and NOT to be bumped by some crazy who is self-inducing and ending up needing a c-section! This way I come home Sunday too. Caleb was also born on Thursday. And according to my, what, 4th? due date, he was induced 4 days early. Shane will be 4 days before his due date as well. :) I need consistency in numbers people- I know, I'm a freak!!! Caleb's birthday on the 8th needed at least a day cushion I felt like, so the Tenth it is!! I really had it in my mind this baby would be born before the 8th, but meh, Caleb is the oldest right?
3 more short notes to prevent a novel post:
2- We're still working out details surrounding the birth as far as help, care for Caleb, my mom's trip, and Phillip's school work, but I know it's all going to work out. I really do. I'm much more at peace with things than when I almost spontaneously burst with stress at the start of the week. Phillip is glad the random tears "about" cheese and crackers and unmade quilts have passed. Yeah, I'm back. Knowing an exact day gives me much more strength and inner peace to survive these next near 7 weeks.
3- Thanks to a friend, I am now breaking down all I have left to do by weekly goals, instead of one massive to-do list.
4- Sunday I visited a lady who had her first babe- via c-section-at her home resting. SUCH A CUTE BABY! I don't have any pictures of course, but he was ADORABLE! 9 lbs 4 ounces and not a bit of chunk! Could it be that it was spread out in his 22 inches?! I think so too. ;) Funny enough, my little one was kicking up at him while I was holding him! I didn't suspect jealousy, as I had just changed to a more upright sitting position on the edge of the couch which he DOES NOT like per his current position. Caleb was always in my ribs choking the air out of me, and while this change in how I'm carrying does bring its own challenges- I can beathe! so I'll take it! I so loved every minute of holding that new one, and can't wait to kiss little Shane every five seconds!!! Her experience (with my doctor's husband actually, who is also an OB) made me feel so much better!
These things are my life summed up right now:
This book-
" When I think of the Savior's time on earth, I envision him as being calm and unrushed, a healing presence as he diligently goes about doing his Father's work. In contrast, when I envision myself and so many other mothers I know going through our days I see, in my mind's eye, a mom who's rushing to get it all done as she sprints head-long through her waking hours. Despite her best efforts, she never seems to arrive at the finish line where she can say, "I got it all done," but she never stops trying. She wants to be a calm and loving presence in her home but sometimes ends up fostering an atmosphere of anxiety more than one of peace with all her rushing.
And bases this chapter on Mosiah 4:27 which states,
"And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order."
I really appreciate this chapter because I feel lately I am trying to complete a giant list everyday with my energy up 50% in the past two weeks, and trying to catch up from the past 6 months. HOWEVER, I've also "missed" out I feel on 6 months with my husband and son, and therefore, some days are just for play. Tomorrow the park, some crafts, and some cuddle time are included in our plans. I might do dishes. I might not. ;)
Staying away from things like this that are invading our house-
Consuming these instead- not just for health, but because I can't get enough. Mostly granny smith, but that bag is gone so we're on to these-
Going through a LOT of this to cover up those brown spots and "beautiful glowing skin" I'll have lingering for a few more months.
A WAY awesome gift from Phillip's sister Courtney- THANK YOU! Soon to be on the (soon to be) completed walls of the nursery.
Dealing with Caleb's reaction to things like me refusing to hide in various places to play hide and seek- I seriously don't fit in there anymore buddy!More posts to come soon...as I'm having a BABY SHOWER on Saturday! I'm so blessed!!!
CALEB!!! come play and visit us. JJ has the SAME SHIRT and I believe has had the same facial expression. We play Hide N seek still on a regular basis. Miss you. So glad there is so much good news for you both!!!! (mommy and baby) I can't believe our big boys are turning 4!!!