Saturday, October 8, 2011

Thanks Doc!

So I made it to 34 weeks. Hooray! Actually Monday will be 35, so double hooray! I am in that paradoxical world of end of pregnancy "so close- yet so far away" emotions. So much I want to get done it doesn't seem possible in a mere 5 weeks- yet I sometimes don't think I can stand another DAY of pregnancy. If you see or talk to me or I blog more than once a week at this point- expect complaining. I hurt all over. It's getting harder to smile and lie and give a "I'm great!" response to "how are you." A friend asked yesterday and since I knew she wouldn't think I was a grouch I asked if she wanted the truth or not! She wanted truth and she got it!

Before the 32 week apt and c-section scheduling, Phillip and I were both having anxiety and nightmares and such. We had a LONG talk with my doctor, settled everything, and since have calmed down and got to work. However, Thursday I met with my doctor's husband (also a OB) and he wanted to inform me that he believes it a distinct possibility I could go into labor before the scheduled November 10th, so we would get things in order early in case I need to go straight there in labor. HUH??~?~?~?!!!! Of course I always knew this was a possibility, but I was induced early at 39 weeks with Caleb, so I thought surely I could make it to 39 weeks! they are keeping my date scheduled, but if I go into labor I will just have a c-section that day. I know that the last two days of freaking out on the verge of hyperventilating or passing out were ridiculous, yet, I couldn't help it- I was freaking out anyway. Phillip has a very hard schedule right now, and I just love to plan ya know! :) Today I went to a last-minute baby shower for a friend who was able to adopt a little boy born last week. SOOO sweet! They have one biological son, and were so blessed to get this little boy! It was an amazing story, with too many details and too private for this blog's purposes, but it really helped me put things in perspective. I am so excited to have this baby! I just hope that happens November 10th! Haha, in the meantime, we will re-evaluate the to-do list, and bump a few things up. Also on the agenda for this month is planning Caleb's birthday, Halloween, and attending another baby shower-for me! I am seriously so blessed by loving people all around us!

Also this week I tried an experiment- going off of Zofran. Yep, I still take both Zofran and Phenergan to keep everything calm and heading south instead of north. It didn't turn out well! I thought I was ready cause I have felt so good the past few weeks on the medicine, that I thought it was silly to stay on it until the end. I've cut back to a third of what I was taking, plus I ran out, so I figured why get it filled? Um yeah- two days later I was at the pharmacy wanting to die! I've already tried life without phenergan on accident by forgetting to take it- that doesn't turn out well either! So meds it is until this little boy is out! Then more meds and someday I'll be back to normal haha.

3 other notes for this week:
*Gone are the nights of sleeping with "only" two interruptions for bathroom breaks. Now getting to sleep is much worse, I'm up multiple times for charlie horses and bathroom and bad dreams and thirst, and not able to sleep as late either. Naps aren't happening very often either.

*Caleb for the first time this week said to me excitedly that he is going to have a baby brother named Shane! Up until this point he has said, "I just want Baby Shane to come, not a little brother, he's not my little brother, just a baby." Or wanted to call him James or Big Peach. He's very anxious for the big show to go down, Grammy Pammy to come, and tired of this pregnancy maybe as much as I am! He also asked me WHYYY is the baby still in your tummy?! I know he's going to help with and care for his brother just as well as he does me!

*I only gained one pound the past 2 1/2 weeks! This was very good considering I should have gained two, and ate about 10 lbs of cake during that time between birthday and baby shower and sweet tooth! Phil had told me if I was worried (I was) about gaining weight I could always eat less sweets ya know. Haha, when the doctor told me to do "exactly what I was doing cause it was working and the baby is right on track for size" I called Phil right away to let him know I might be making beignets or cookies very soon! haha I'm still trying to get exercise and keep things under control, but seriously its nice to feel like I don't have to worry about having a cookie...or three. ;)

I thought I had more interesting things to say...or pictures...but I guess not. I'm sure there will be plenty over the next few weeks as we get everything done! Now I'm going to cook some Mexican food for dinner. Yum.

1 comment:

  1. I remember too clearly the nightmares about going into labor early. Mine was I would go into labor in the middle of the day while Judd was at school (which was odd because he wasn't even in school at the time) so he would have our only car. I would have to pack the other two boys into the jogging stroller and walk the 2 miles to the hospital. I would then have to juggle the boys while trying to have the third. So glad it didn't turn out that way. I wish nothing but the best of luck to you and Phil these last few weeks!
