Monday, June 20, 2011

Hooray for halfway, Doughnuts, and Dreams

Soo, I've been pregnant before. Duh. And I had crazy dreams while pregnant with Caleb- but seriously they don't compare to these! It seems every night is more crazy than the one before! And it seems that instead of random, irregular nightmares or wierdness, it's every night! Man, I need some sleep! Luckily we have a darkened window, and I share a queen bed with Caleb right now, so cuddling helps him sleep the morning away! At least that way I get about 10 hours of interrupted sleep! hahaha

Doughnuts. What can I say? I have a new found addiction I think! And I went one time to the other local doughnut shop in town with my brother, but as we pulled to the drive-thru (another perk of this particular place) he said they used to smoke inside so he wasn't sure if they did or not! Sheesh! I normally don't love smoky places, but especially while pregnant that just sounded gross! So we went somewhere else. HOWEVER, my mama took me to the store the other day, and while were out she asked if I wanted some doughnuts- um yeah! She took me to the first place and I was hesitant, but she said NO they used to smoke in there, but after the clean indoors act was passed in TN, whenever that was, they no longer do! Lucky me! These doughnuts are even better! Oh chocolate iced chocolate cake doughnut- some days I pine for you! PLUS, the more you get, the cheaper it is! That's why we get so many every time for my mom, me and Caleb- being thrifty of course! hahaha ;)

YES! I am finally what I'm considering HALFWAY!!! 19 weeks today, but since I'm having a scheduled c-section, I'm hoping to only go to 38 weeks. Halfway is good, but man, when my brother's wife had their baby last week, I was slightly jealous!!! :) Yeah, she definitely deserved to be at the end, I just wish I was too! Hoping I feel up to a trip to N.C. to see that babe this summer!!! Ashlyn is her name. I so want to hold her! )

Next week people!!!! Tuesday is the big news day- and as long as this babe and I are doing alright, it's gonna be good news! We're down to the top two names for a boy or a girl, so hopefully we can decide soon. Caleb is still set on James for a boy- I like it as a middle name- but we'll see- maybe he'll just call the baby that anyway regardless of what the birth cert. says! haha
I'll keep you updated!


  1. Dana! I don't know WHY I never saw your comment on my blog. I didn't realize we were so close either! I am so excited for you to find out what your having!! and, Girl, I know EXACTLY what you mean about wanting it to be the end already! Oh, and ps. your hair is suuuuper cute!!

  2. It looks short in that pic, but looking again maybe it isn't!??? It cute either way;)
