Saturday, August 13, 2011

No rain, no gain.

Basically, rain is necessary for growth, though sometimes the storms that come with it are not exactly welcome.

At really hard points during pregnancy I have asked Phillip to give me a priesthood blessing. (To learn more about what this means see here. ) A few months ago I was having a really bad night. I was really ill. I thought before going to the hospital I should ask Phillip for a blessing. I wanted to be healed. I wanted peace. I wanted answers. I got the last two. The blessing was a very personal and sacred experience, so I'll only share a bit. I was told that things would be okay, that I would survive this pregnancy and all would be well in the end. However, I was told (and this was repeated in other blessings) that this pregnancy would be HARD. I was also comforted, and given some answers as to why this trial existed in my life. Although it was comforting, it wasn't necessarily what I wanted to hear.
I posted a scripture a few months ago. I have been trying hard to live by it, but it is very difficult sometimes. It got more difficult this week.

"Strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness." - Col. 1:11

I still battle morning sickness. Then on Sunday I started coughing- a lot. By Wednesday I had a hunch. I had called my primary care provider and also my OBGYN about it, and they had told me safe over the counter remedies to try. I did. Friday night I couldn't take it anymore and Phillip took me to an urgent care facility across town. Thankfully I saw a very competent doctor, and he confirmed what I had feared and guessed- bronchitis. He prescribed three meds, and lucky? for us we already have a nebulizer from Caleb's hospital ordeal two years ago, so I just needed new tubing to use it. Caleb got a weak sauce (thank goodness!) two day cold, and Phillip has had some of the same symptoms as I have but they haven't progressed. As crappy as it is to be sick, especially while pregnant, I'm really glad it isn't Phillip as he goes into his final week of Greek class, and REALLY glad it wasn't Caleb and that his immune system is strong again. Short Q&A:
Q. Were you sick before this? A. no. No cold or anything prior to this popping up.
Q. Have you ever had bronchitis before? A. Yes, once. Three summers ago, just as random as this time, only difference was how I was medicated (I wasn't pregnant).
It definitely helps that I don't have cancer. I mean, after all, I have wanted this baby since day one, and when he finally arrives it will be a joyous day! I know that the precious gift is worth the price, it is just hard some days.

This song has been on my mind ever since I heard it a couple of weeks ago.

"Mercies and blessings come in different forms--sometimes as hard things. Yet the Lord said, 'Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things' (D&C 59:7). All things means just that: good things, difficult things--not just some things. He has commanded us to be grateful because He knows being grateful will make us happy. This is another evidence of His love."

Bonnie D. Parkin, "Gratitude: A Path to Happiness," Ensign, May 2007, 35

I'm trying hard to be thankful, and remember what lies ahead. :)
Cute sleeping sessions like this:

Fun bath time cuteness like this:And here's a sneak peak of what's to come once I start feeling a bit better.
It's gonna be fun to show all these completed projects over the next month- and once Greek is over, the crib goes up!


  1. You are an amazing person Dana! I'm sorry you're having a difficult pregnancy, but it sounds like you've got your head in the right place. Hang in there friend!

  2. bronchitis?? that is no beuno.. i was hoping for the simple allergy.. i'm sorry its much worse than that. hopefully you will be getting better. and it is so nice that you have someone so close who can help you in every way possible when you need it. and you are right just keep your head up... your like 2 1/2 months away (ok maybe closer to 3.. but i'm gonna say 2 1/2) you are more than 1/2 way... just think it can't (we can hope) much worse than what you have already been thru right??
