Monday, November 21, 2011

Just a Note

WAY more pictures on our family blog! Enjoy!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Welcome to our home Baby Shane!

9:30 AM
9lbs 8 ounces
21 inches

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pictures, Pounds, and a Poll, oh my!

Pictures. Yeah, I've promised them many times. And I'll let you in on a little secret- the nursery is not 100% finished yet! Yikes! Caleb's was definitely done way before now, but I haven't had any energy to nest this time around, and, well, I think I was too ambitious this time around! Last time we employed the help of my best friend Tiffany's mom to make all the bedding, plus she made a diaper hanger and extra quilt! This time I decided to recover the bumpers and diaper hanger, and make a quilt, crib skirt, and cover for the changing table on my own! I will be re-using the three sets of cradle bedding my MIL Kim made for Caleb- cause well, 1) they're awesome 2) that's another project I don't have time for and 3) they don't need to match the crib bedding as the cradle will be in our room!! However, I DO HAVE PICTURES!!!!! I figure if I don't get them up now, it won't happen before baby- and then it may never happen! So here ya go! I do plan to post all the tutorials I used in the bedding/decor- umm, later. ;)

Nursery first:
Phillip and I almost killed each other putting together my vision of Shane's room. Maybe you shouldn't do this kind of project at 1 am? Don't worry, the next day when we saw with fresh eyes what it looked like- all was forgiven! No, it's not paint!

This is the diapering area. On the right hand wall is where the diaper hanger will go.

This is the amazing cradle Phil's dad refinished for Caleb. WE LOVE it! So excited to get more use out of it!

I still have a good few projects to go - and a week to finish them! Likely they'll get put off until later, but for now we're getting the house as clean as possible and as much done as we can!

mid-project. random pinning and half-sewn. Don't judge. hahaha I promise one day it will look like this- but in the new fabric...
(this was Caleb's)

These two pieces are some of my favs. However, They were planned for the two sides of the stripes but now the room seems too full. Especially once we hang the diaper caddy. Thoughts?

Here are some more pictures of random baby gifts I love- I didn't get a picture of everything from the TWO showers I've had, nor do I have pics back from those events yet, but we are so grateful for everyone and everything! First, I had a fun shower thrown by women in my ward (congregation), and that was attended by many! Next, I was asked if I would like a more intimate one from people (hosted by Grandma Gwin!) on campus and it was like a gourmet tea party! I even brought my camera to that one- lemmie tell ya though, I was so busy being pampered (I seriously got a foot rub and beverages delivered to my seat) that I didn't have time to take many! Here's a few highlights of what we've received recently!

Gorgeous crocheted blanket
CUUUUUTE outfits like this one brought all the way from Virginia!
No, this is not all. Plus 800 wipes. Yeah.
I got a Moby wrap! I tried two different baby carriers with Caleb- and Caleb, Phillip, and I all hated both of them! We never used them, then sold them, so I figured I'd try this out after a neighbor offered hers to try on/borrow. She showed me how to tie it, and then someone else bought me one! It's black, so what are the chances I can convince Phillip this picture looks manly and he should jump on board with it?

Last Thursday at the 37 week appointment the doctor said, hmm, you're measuring quite large! Really? This was news to me as I've with few exceptions stayed right on track for weight gain and never measured large with this pregnancy. The doc wanted an ultrasound to check it out for sure. OH yeah, clearly our babes is QUITE LARGE!!!! I won't ruin the fun and tell you the prediction, but for sure its good I'm already having a c-section, cause at this point they would recommend one anyways!

So what do you think? November 10th what will this baby weigh? Yep, November 10th- NEXT THURSDAY- we will be meeting baby Shane face to face!!! EEEEEK! Here's some really scary pictures of how HUGE I am!!! Add your guess in a comment or on my facebook page!

38 Weeks And yes, I was a pregnant puffy pumpkin for Halloween!
37 weeks
Yes, this is a very scary picture. I just wanted to show you the difference different clothes make though, because this and the one above were taken THE SAME WEEK! That's right!
About 35 weeks pregnant with Caleb:

Friday, October 21, 2011

Doctor's Update

Here's what the doc said today. Going back next week. Progress (whether we want it or not) has been made on the track to having this baby the old fashioned way. Contraction (braxton hicks I assumed) as the doctor walked in the door. Very much in pain. Doctor isn't certain if I'll make it to November 10th. Neither am I. Nor am I certain whether or not I want to make it! Not sure. Basically she said that if I come in next week and have progressed in other ways or to 3 or more we'll do the c-section then. Or if something happens before then obviously it will be then. She also said we can move the day up- but she'll only go 3 days. Day before Caleb's birthday. Didn't want that- but do I care at this point? Not sure about that either.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

October 20th!?!

Today was a super weird day. I think it had something to do with when I woke up realizing this is the day we originally planned for the c-section when my due date was a week earlier. That, or I didn't get enough sleep last night (I finally dozed off around 3 so that's likely as well). Either way, today felt weird, I was a little cranky, and just not feeling like myself at all. Don't worry, this isn't a complaining post- the day got better!

I allowed Caleb and I to take a nap instead of just quiet time- even though I knew that would mean Caleb barely dozing off right now- at 10. So worth it! Then I got a call saying my neighbor would be bringing dinner over unexpectedly. Now, that sounds great, but if you knew my neighbor you would know just how excited I was! Of course it was full gourmet and an AMAZING spread. Wow. Good thing I couldn't fit any of the pie she brought in me (and let's pretend I didn't have one chocolate glazed Halloween Oreo) because two hours later my visiting teachers showed up and brought milkshakes for all!!! Definitely turned my day around, and was a much needed rest from cooking and cleaning- though I generally love that job of the day (cooking dinner). I've also recovered from that nasty cold, and WHAT a relief that is!

A few quick facts cause I might have to post tomorrow (I have an appointment and that could bring added info!)

*The baby has dropped. This is my opinion of course, but I felt it at 35 weeks- Caleb was at 37. For me, from here on out just gets more and more painful it seems- the baby is way too low to be comfortable, and somehow wedges just right to cause severe tailbone and pelvic pain. Ice is my best friend.

*I am totally experiencing bi-polar pregnancy emotions I didn't with Caleb. Having a scheduled c-section makes me not want to go into labor, ten minutes later I'm telling Phillip I hope it just happens and then I know it will be over within one day from an immediate c-section!

*Nausea is back but not as severe, appetite is still okay, heartburn is raging. All normal. I can handle those fine- if I could only walk normal!

*Granny Smith apples are a must.

*Sleep is illusive. Even with medication.

*I'm basically wasted every second of the day- and now that baby has dropped, I'm pretty sure nesting ain't happenin! Pushing through to strive and get SOMETHING done each day.

*Today I packed my hospital bag, the diaper bag, a small bag for Phillip, and a overnight bag for Caleb in case I don't make it to November 10th. It gave me some peace of mind! Tomorrow we're cleaning the car and installing the car seat. Who am I kidding? PHILLIP is doing the aforementioned items. :)

You may hear an update tomorrow- if not, I'm either at the hospital having the baby, or nothing has changed! haha We'll see!

A few really cute newborn photo shoot ideas I might just steal...

Ifffff I learn how to use my camera properly. Oh yeah, that's on the "to-do" list too- BAHAHAHA!

Friday, October 14, 2011


I'm trying very hard to not be angry and bitter right now. I have a cold. A hideous, brain-numbing cold. It could be worse right? Oh the time I had bronchitis two months ago. Or maybe the time I was vomiting for 7 months prior to that. Or... I had a good cry yesterday and then decided to get better as fast as possible. The good news is, that will be lots easier with a husband home for the next week for fall break!!! So much for that final push during this break to get everything baby oriented done right? At least I got that extra 7 hours in bed today. Tonight I'm on my own while the boys enjoy a cookout. Caleb has been asking about it for two days now. Sorry for cooping you up between pain and sickness on my part for nearly two weeks buddy! Hoping for a better tomorrow!This weeks to-do was the car-seat and hospital bags. I'm telling myself I technically still have the weekend right??? I did get everything washed I'm steps.

Phillip hopes I have the baby next week so that I'm not frantically calling him during class telling him that I've gone into labor before November 10th. I so hope he's wrong. And all those dreams I and everyone around me has had- I hope those are wrong too. Another cup of hot chocolate will help my attitude I promise. Good night. :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Thanks Doc!

So I made it to 34 weeks. Hooray! Actually Monday will be 35, so double hooray! I am in that paradoxical world of end of pregnancy "so close- yet so far away" emotions. So much I want to get done it doesn't seem possible in a mere 5 weeks- yet I sometimes don't think I can stand another DAY of pregnancy. If you see or talk to me or I blog more than once a week at this point- expect complaining. I hurt all over. It's getting harder to smile and lie and give a "I'm great!" response to "how are you." A friend asked yesterday and since I knew she wouldn't think I was a grouch I asked if she wanted the truth or not! She wanted truth and she got it!

Before the 32 week apt and c-section scheduling, Phillip and I were both having anxiety and nightmares and such. We had a LONG talk with my doctor, settled everything, and since have calmed down and got to work. However, Thursday I met with my doctor's husband (also a OB) and he wanted to inform me that he believes it a distinct possibility I could go into labor before the scheduled November 10th, so we would get things in order early in case I need to go straight there in labor. HUH??~?~?~?!!!! Of course I always knew this was a possibility, but I was induced early at 39 weeks with Caleb, so I thought surely I could make it to 39 weeks! they are keeping my date scheduled, but if I go into labor I will just have a c-section that day. I know that the last two days of freaking out on the verge of hyperventilating or passing out were ridiculous, yet, I couldn't help it- I was freaking out anyway. Phillip has a very hard schedule right now, and I just love to plan ya know! :) Today I went to a last-minute baby shower for a friend who was able to adopt a little boy born last week. SOOO sweet! They have one biological son, and were so blessed to get this little boy! It was an amazing story, with too many details and too private for this blog's purposes, but it really helped me put things in perspective. I am so excited to have this baby! I just hope that happens November 10th! Haha, in the meantime, we will re-evaluate the to-do list, and bump a few things up. Also on the agenda for this month is planning Caleb's birthday, Halloween, and attending another baby shower-for me! I am seriously so blessed by loving people all around us!

Also this week I tried an experiment- going off of Zofran. Yep, I still take both Zofran and Phenergan to keep everything calm and heading south instead of north. It didn't turn out well! I thought I was ready cause I have felt so good the past few weeks on the medicine, that I thought it was silly to stay on it until the end. I've cut back to a third of what I was taking, plus I ran out, so I figured why get it filled? Um yeah- two days later I was at the pharmacy wanting to die! I've already tried life without phenergan on accident by forgetting to take it- that doesn't turn out well either! So meds it is until this little boy is out! Then more meds and someday I'll be back to normal haha.

3 other notes for this week:
*Gone are the nights of sleeping with "only" two interruptions for bathroom breaks. Now getting to sleep is much worse, I'm up multiple times for charlie horses and bathroom and bad dreams and thirst, and not able to sleep as late either. Naps aren't happening very often either.

*Caleb for the first time this week said to me excitedly that he is going to have a baby brother named Shane! Up until this point he has said, "I just want Baby Shane to come, not a little brother, he's not my little brother, just a baby." Or wanted to call him James or Big Peach. He's very anxious for the big show to go down, Grammy Pammy to come, and tired of this pregnancy maybe as much as I am! He also asked me WHYYY is the baby still in your tummy?! I know he's going to help with and care for his brother just as well as he does me!

*I only gained one pound the past 2 1/2 weeks! This was very good considering I should have gained two, and ate about 10 lbs of cake during that time between birthday and baby shower and sweet tooth! Phil had told me if I was worried (I was) about gaining weight I could always eat less sweets ya know. Haha, when the doctor told me to do "exactly what I was doing cause it was working and the baby is right on track for size" I called Phil right away to let him know I might be making beignets or cookies very soon! haha I'm still trying to get exercise and keep things under control, but seriously its nice to feel like I don't have to worry about having a cookie...or three. ;)

I thought I had more interesting things to say...or pictures...but I guess not. I'm sure there will be plenty over the next few weeks as we get everything done! Now I'm going to cook some Mexican food for dinner. Yum.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

I'm Grateful for Gracious Friends

Guess what?! I forgot to add one awesome tidbit in my pictures last post.
THIS found a new home with us for FREE!!! Thank you wonderful friends! Also, a box of clothes for Caleb- which means some may make it to Shane. Pretty sure he is dressed for success from newborn until 5T!

Yay! A double stroller! FYI- Caleb has already informed me that he will be riding in his old one-seater (he hasn't used it all year). I informed him otherwise. Also, the baby gate was a donation from a neighbor who no longer needed three for her dog. Conveniently its exactly like one we had that we sold a few years ago. Whohoo!

Also, the shower yesterday was awesome. More red velvet cupcakes- yikes! Even better homemade than the gourmet one! Tomorrow for my birthday I'm totally making chocolate cake- and then walking 25 miles. HAHA! Pictures from the shower to come.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Birthday, Birthday, and BIRTH DAY!

I have a lot to say, including our official arrival date for this babe, so bear with me if you can...a few pictures included at the bottom...


Today a friend brought a freaking HUGE gourmet cupcake over for my birthday next week. Red velvet thank you very much. I have to say, I ate half of it, and then walked a mile and a half! Something is very off about my pregnancies compared to those around me it seems- I mean, I pretty much have always known that, but having the most energy in the third trimester and getting the most exercise (let's be honest, any since 6 weeks) then is still a little strange no?? Sadly, (is it really though? ;) ) our neighbor made us a beautiful dinner tonight including a chocolate ganache cake. Oh my. Good thing I only had one small slice! My weight is under control, but definitely won't be if my friends keep blessing me with goodies, and I keep having baking spurts like this week!

Caleb's birthday is coming up. The weekends of school functions, church functions, and just plain baby prep are quickly stating claim on each weekend. I've GOT to get the date for his party finalized and the final preparations made! That will be much easier to do now that the next topic is under control...

I had the big doctor's appt. yesterday!!!! 32 weeker, and the major pow-wow about the c-section. I of course had many questions, even after all my research for almost 4 years, especially regarding this particular doctor's practices on things like stapling vs. sutures and pain medication options. Can I just say I love my doctor?!?!! She definitely made me feel at ease and was very patient with all of my (and Phil's) concerns. She told us we could call Deb at the back desk and continually check that she was still on schedule for that day at the hospital if we wanted to. Hey, I'm not insane okay, last time my doctor scheduled me to be induced in TWO DAYS and didn't have the courtesy to tell me he (the only one I saw my whole pregnancy) wouldn't be showing up for it! Suffice it to say this experience has been blessedly different! Going back in two weeks! TWO WEEKS!? I never did that with Caleb. That's right, because of all my due date drama, I never had an appt. every two weeks. Straight from 4 weeks to 1 week- so when she told me when to make my next appt. , I was kinda like HUH? for a second until I remembered that was normal!!! haha This baby is GROWING and MOVING soo much constantly that I actually feel like a baby and not an alien is inside me now. I can see body parts and my whole stomach moves. Wow. Still on track for growth- although I think now he might not be the 6 lber I'd hoped for- right now it feels like 10. Yes, I know I'm supposed to grow for a few more weeks- AHHH!

I technically have 53 more days of pregnacy left, but only 49 more in reality!!! That's right, we set the date. 11/10/11. November 10th. It sounds right to me. I know some are bummed I'm not having Shane the next day- cause well, it is 11/11/11, but honestly I wanted an even number, that day is Friday, and well, the hospital is already nearly booked. I didn't want to fight it. I want my first pick of rooms, and NOT to be bumped by some crazy who is self-inducing and ending up needing a c-section! This way I come home Sunday too. Caleb was also born on Thursday. And according to my, what, 4th? due date, he was induced 4 days early. Shane will be 4 days before his due date as well. :) I need consistency in numbers people- I know, I'm a freak!!! Caleb's birthday on the 8th needed at least a day cushion I felt like, so the Tenth it is!! I really had it in my mind this baby would be born before the 8th, but meh, Caleb is the oldest right?

3 more short notes to prevent a novel post:

2- We're still working out details surrounding the birth as far as help, care for Caleb, my mom's trip, and Phillip's school work, but I know it's all going to work out. I really do. I'm much more at peace with things than when I almost spontaneously burst with stress at the start of the week. Phillip is glad the random tears "about" cheese and crackers and unmade quilts have passed. Yeah, I'm back. Knowing an exact day gives me much more strength and inner peace to survive these next near 7 weeks.

3- Thanks to a friend, I am now breaking down all I have left to do by weekly goals, instead of one massive to-do list.

4- Sunday I visited a lady who had her first babe- via c-section-at her home resting. SUCH A CUTE BABY! I don't have any pictures of course, but he was ADORABLE! 9 lbs 4 ounces and not a bit of chunk! Could it be that it was spread out in his 22 inches?! I think so too. ;) Funny enough, my little one was kicking up at him while I was holding him! I didn't suspect jealousy, as I had just changed to a more upright sitting position on the edge of the couch which he DOES NOT like per his current position. Caleb was always in my ribs choking the air out of me, and while this change in how I'm carrying does bring its own challenges- I can beathe! so I'll take it! I so loved every minute of holding that new one, and can't wait to kiss little Shane every five seconds!!! Her experience (with my doctor's husband actually, who is also an OB) made me feel so much better!


These things are my life summed up right now:
This book-

" When I think of the Savior's time on earth, I envision him as being calm and unrushed, a healing presence as he diligently goes about doing his Father's work. In contrast, when I envision myself and so many other mothers I know going through our days I see, in my mind's eye, a mom who's rushing to get it all done as she sprints head-long through her waking hours. Despite her best efforts, she never seems to arrive at the finish line where she can say, "I got it all done," but she never stops trying. She wants to be a calm and loving presence in her home but sometimes ends up fostering an atmosphere of anxiety more than one of peace with all her rushing.

And bases this chapter on Mosiah 4:27 which states,
"And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order."

I really appreciate this chapter because I feel lately I am trying to complete a giant list everyday with my energy up 50% in the past two weeks, and trying to catch up from the past 6 months. HOWEVER, I've also "missed" out I feel on 6 months with my husband and son, and therefore, some days are just for play. Tomorrow the park, some crafts, and some cuddle time are included in our plans. I might do dishes. I might not. ;)

Staying away from things like this that are invading our house-

Consuming these instead- not just for health, but because I can't get enough. Mostly granny smith, but that bag is gone so we're on to these-
Going through a LOT of this to cover up those brown spots and "beautiful glowing skin" I'll have lingering for a few more months.
A WAY awesome gift from Phillip's sister Courtney- THANK YOU! Soon to be on the (soon to be) completed walls of the nursery.

Dealing with Caleb's reaction to things like me refusing to hide in various places to play hide and seek- I seriously don't fit in there anymore buddy!More posts to come I'm having a BABY SHOWER on Saturday! I'm so blessed!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Could it Be?!

I don't want to speak too soon, but it can never really be soon enough to me if it's true... I think I'm better! I still am not brave enough to go off the medicines I'm taking for nausea, cause if I'm late taking them I still have problems- BUT, it has now been a few WEEKS since I last threw up!!! I'm so excited! If I only have to combat charlie horses and heartburn and some exhaustion from here on out, I say bring it on! With Caleb I stopped vomiting at around 31 weeks, so hey, a few weeks earlier! Of course, I am on lots more meds too! Bless modern medicine and a good doctor!

As par for the course, I still wake up usually 2 times each night for a potty trip- somehow that didn't stop for the second trimester, so after 23 weeks, I feel well primed to wake up with this baby already!

I went to get the Rhogam shot on Tuesday. It wasn't horrible, even though a shot in the hip isn't ideal I suppose. September 21st I am scheduling the c-section with the doc! We still have no idea when to plan for. Too many things to consider right now between care for an older child, Phil's schoolwork, and my mom's schedule. . Also, a woman in my ward at church approached me about throwing a baby shower for me this month! Whohoo! Having a second, and especially another boy I didn't really expect one of course, but I'm so grateful, and I know with her in charge, it's going to be awesome!

Okay, okay, I was going to wait- cause things are still misplaced and unfinished- like half the bedding, the wall decor, and rug!- but I can't! Here are just a few pictures of what we have in the nursery/office so far:

I have about four more things for the walls, but I've got to finish the diaper caddy and wash the walls before putting that stuff up!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

28 week update

I had my 28 week appointment yesterday, and WOW everything is fine and I'm actually right on track. So weird to not be way far behind on weight gain, or gaining like crazy. Gained 4 lbs exactly in 4 weeks- my doc is so proud. haha I swear I didn't even try to not gain or gain, it just is working I guess. I feel like I gained TWENTY 4 in the past two weeks alone, but thankfully that's only how I feel- not reality. This babe obviously needed some more space, cause the past three days have been torture! Constant stretching and rock solid abs- well, albeit rounded ones.. ;) FINALLY last night my wonderful husband let me get some serious sleep- like 11 hours worth. Yum.

He also made me French puffs (basically cinnamon/sugar topped muffins) for a late breakfast. What a man. We now have the crib assembled, new mattress bought (sold Caleb's with his toddler bed), rooms rearranged, and most everything in order thanks to the man on break from school. Now MY work really begins. I have to get my hiney in my new sewing cubby and get to work!

So, next on the agenda is the rhogam shot whenever they call me in hopefully this week. Type O hero doesn't work for having babies if your hubby is positive. haha. Then end of September I'm scheduling the c-section for real! Woah. We have a lot to figure out by then. My mom's schedule is tight, Phil's taking 6 classes next semester so his is basically impossible to work around, and I really am not keen on the idea of having a baby the day before Caleb's birthday. Yikes. Due date technically now 11/14/11, but I'm going as early as they'll let me! 1/1/11 sounds great to me! :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

No rain, no gain.

Basically, rain is necessary for growth, though sometimes the storms that come with it are not exactly welcome.

At really hard points during pregnancy I have asked Phillip to give me a priesthood blessing. (To learn more about what this means see here. ) A few months ago I was having a really bad night. I was really ill. I thought before going to the hospital I should ask Phillip for a blessing. I wanted to be healed. I wanted peace. I wanted answers. I got the last two. The blessing was a very personal and sacred experience, so I'll only share a bit. I was told that things would be okay, that I would survive this pregnancy and all would be well in the end. However, I was told (and this was repeated in other blessings) that this pregnancy would be HARD. I was also comforted, and given some answers as to why this trial existed in my life. Although it was comforting, it wasn't necessarily what I wanted to hear.
I posted a scripture a few months ago. I have been trying hard to live by it, but it is very difficult sometimes. It got more difficult this week.

"Strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness." - Col. 1:11

I still battle morning sickness. Then on Sunday I started coughing- a lot. By Wednesday I had a hunch. I had called my primary care provider and also my OBGYN about it, and they had told me safe over the counter remedies to try. I did. Friday night I couldn't take it anymore and Phillip took me to an urgent care facility across town. Thankfully I saw a very competent doctor, and he confirmed what I had feared and guessed- bronchitis. He prescribed three meds, and lucky? for us we already have a nebulizer from Caleb's hospital ordeal two years ago, so I just needed new tubing to use it. Caleb got a weak sauce (thank goodness!) two day cold, and Phillip has had some of the same symptoms as I have but they haven't progressed. As crappy as it is to be sick, especially while pregnant, I'm really glad it isn't Phillip as he goes into his final week of Greek class, and REALLY glad it wasn't Caleb and that his immune system is strong again. Short Q&A:
Q. Were you sick before this? A. no. No cold or anything prior to this popping up.
Q. Have you ever had bronchitis before? A. Yes, once. Three summers ago, just as random as this time, only difference was how I was medicated (I wasn't pregnant).
It definitely helps that I don't have cancer. I mean, after all, I have wanted this baby since day one, and when he finally arrives it will be a joyous day! I know that the precious gift is worth the price, it is just hard some days.

This song has been on my mind ever since I heard it a couple of weeks ago.

"Mercies and blessings come in different forms--sometimes as hard things. Yet the Lord said, 'Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things' (D&C 59:7). All things means just that: good things, difficult things--not just some things. He has commanded us to be grateful because He knows being grateful will make us happy. This is another evidence of His love."

Bonnie D. Parkin, "Gratitude: A Path to Happiness," Ensign, May 2007, 35

I'm trying hard to be thankful, and remember what lies ahead. :)
Cute sleeping sessions like this:

Fun bath time cuteness like this:And here's a sneak peak of what's to come once I start feeling a bit better.
It's gonna be fun to show all these completed projects over the next month- and once Greek is over, the crib goes up!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Random, Gross, and Bizarre

I have been MUCH more uncomfortable than I was with Caleb. Lots more pain, lots more everything I feel. One of those things happens to be my belly button. TMI- definitely, but believe me when I say I'm sparing you the details. It's definitely different than what I experienced with Caleb- and much more painful. Like this baby is seriously going to be born through my belly button at any moment and the skin is going to rip apart. Yuck I know. Also, I think my belly button might actually pop out this time, which REALLY freaks me out. I know it shouldn't but it does, and I'm totally going to bandage it if it happens. I've already had to once when it was extremely sore just cause it was so painful for anything to even brush it. Eww.

Next up, I keep wondering what this baby will look like. I dunno, right now I think it will look more like my nephew than Caleb, darker I guess in complexion and hair, and weigh less than Caleb did. Who knows.

I ate ice cream! I kept it down- twice! Yummmm. Such good timing as it will be over 100 every day this week again. And, I went to a chicken bog. Yeah, that's right, it's really like chicken and rice with some sausage and nothing fancy, but it was a dinner provided for the summer Greek students and their families by a local Lutheran church. Amazing is that I totally ate the rice- even though it had some chicken flavor- and I didn't get sick! Couldn't eat the actual chicken, but hey, progress! I couldn't even look at chicken without throwing up with Caleb, and in fact, this pregnancy up until about a month ago even seeing it in the freezer made me gag. Like I said, progress!

Another recent post below. I need some sleep. Kick in meds, let's go to bed!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Some Good News!

So, the last week hasn't been too peachy over here, but I'm alive. I've just been real sick and in pain, nothing dangerous or unusual, and everything checked out with the doc. So today, I got the glorious news that I DO NOT HAVE GESTATIONAL DIABETES! I've been worried about this for two months (and honestly watching my eating patterns and continuing nausea and vomiting with relief in the form of sugar based things my husband and mom were worried too), and I couldn't wait to get the glucose screening over with! I've been really careful the past two weeks, but definitely still had some sugar. I wasn't even close to the cutoff! Now, I'm not going to raid a Krispy Kreme shop or anything, I'm just happy to continue on being aware but not scared of how much sugar I consume.

Right on track for mine and baby's weight and size. Baby is doing wonderfully well. This baby has me convinced he'll come with a vast skill set when he arrives including but not limited to: karate, gymnastics, bongo drum playing, magic tricks, and hiccups while standing on his head, and maybe contortion training. Let's just say he's very active! Doc thinks some of the pain I've had is bladder spasms from blunt kicks!

Here's a few things I've been dreaming of:
haven't seen the inside, but it looks fun to me!
Now on the the practical-
perfect price, cute, and very functional. I just wish it was only blue and white without the red- though that's cute too, I'm going for just blue and white.
There was an ADORABLE sailor one, but it's sold out. I love love love vinyl covered bibs, plus the sleeves are a nice touch!

I've already done some craftiness and also started the bedding, so as I get more done I'll post pictures!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I was wrong.

I was so excited to eat cereal again. Suffice it to say that I now hate chex and almond milk.

Monday, July 11, 2011

I'm nuts!

So...I've mentioned before that I can't drink milk as of late. This is very very sad for me. I try to minimize all dairy and definitely don't eat it unless it's mixed (for instance, a small, thin slice of cheese in a veggie wrap is fine, but grilled cheese is NOT!) with other foods. Anyways, I just dealt with it up until now, because I did the same with Caleb. It hasn't sounded good until this weekend anyways! Then yesterday, at the grocery store, I remembered alternative milks. I have had soy milk before, and would probably buy it for myself if it didn't just complicate things in the fridge. Anyways, as I was looking through the options I saw some options like coconut milk and almond milk! Well, since I've been eating a variety of nuts this pregnancy with no problems, I figured I'd give almond milk a shot! I knew exactly what I would have first-cereal. I'm a pretty casual cereal eater, but this past weekend when my dear friend Shannon and her oldest were visiting, I watched her consume cereal with great love. Ah man, to have some corn chex! I just really wanted it. So last night I had some as a snack before bed, a little weary of what might happen. I'm happy to say I slept just lovely! Now, it wasn't incredible, and I'm not guzzling almond milk all day long, but I am happy I can have a little milk now!

Also, I bought a few other things I've been wanting at the store. Pistachios- I've resisted for about 3 weeks- that's major pregnancy will-power right there! Throw in a box of toasted pecan wheatables nutcrisps- and I'm happy! I've also tried peanuts, cashews, and brazil nuts with success. My husband thinks the crackers taste like maple syrup- whatever makes you happy babe!

Soo, I also got on this artichoke kick. Spinach artichoke dip to make, spaghetti with artichokes and tomatoes, and whole artichoke that is going into some thin dip- a lemon, mayo something or other than hollandaise! I'll let ya know how it goes! My husband officially thinks I'm nuts. Can I just mention again that I never craved ANYTHING with Caleb??? I just ate certain things that I could stomach. Thus the shock at having a boy with all these cravings!

Wow! I have been sooo dizzy lately! I'm not sure if it's a result of normal pregnancy problems (trouble catching breath after vomiting, getting up too fast, not eating often enough etc), or if there's a low blood pressure or low blood sugar (highly doubtful!! haha!) problem going on. I rest on my left side, eat protein, drink water, and apply cold rags when it happens. Thankfully my husband or another adult has been close by when it's been the worst to help me, cause even then I've nearly blacked out twice! Time to ask the doc about this.

With the nausea (yep, I'm 22 weeks and still vomiting-no big surprise there!)and also with the dizziness eating protein- especially for breakfast has been helping a lot. I had never had the particular brand of protein bar CLIFF bars until my friend Shannon introduced me to them during a bad spell this weekend. Yum! So now I have another option for breakfast besides um bacon? Oh sure, I could have eggs, milk, cheese, and- wait, I can't have those things or most dairy- especially for breakfast. Anyways, so yay for Cliff bars! Plus, they have options like cherry almond, and white chocolate macadamia nut - so I'm happy!

Right now I'm just staring at pictures of friends at full term and feeling grateful that even though I want to be done, I don't have to deal with a large belly or charlie horses quite yet!

I know I'm jabbering on and on today, but let me just tell ya that "nesting" may have officially begun. That, or more OCD who can really tell at this point? I mean, I have limited energy, but I have been working for the past week and a half on fabric, bedding plans, room decor, crafts, and um, I'm a little ashamed to say, but yes, last night I organized the closet and hung sections newborn through 12 months of the clothes we already have. Re-arranging the whole house is going to take some time, so I've mainly been concerned with getting Caleb's room situated including emptying his closet of baby gear and furniture that will be in the other room, and working on the baby's closet which is storage as of now.

More walnut brain ideas to come...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

We're having a...

BOY!!!!!!!! That's right folks, another bundle of cuddling, wrestling, mud pie making, building fun is headed our way! We love boys and are very excited! I was a little shocked because this pregnancy has been a lot different in many ways, so I thought it must be a girl. I was wrong! Loud and clear it's a boy! Good thing we love um!

Caleb is getting used to calling the baby a little brother, if I say its a boy he says, "NO! It's a baby!" He's a "big boy" so that just wouldn't work haha. But he is getting used to calling the baby by name. That's right! We're 95% sure so I'll let ya know if it changes! For now this baby is gonna be Shane Sterling Scarbrough. Shane means "God is gracious" and we definitely feel that in our life right now! Caleb likes it, just don't mention that it could have been James! haha!

The most important thing (that I was so scared about today my blood pressure was WAY high at first) is that this baby is perfectly healthy and growing right on track! I'm fairly healthy as well, though still dealing with pesky symptoms like intense bouts of nausea and back pain. With temps at 100 this week I'm just trying to stay cool! Caleb was thrilled to see the heartbeat even more so than the ultrasound, and loves when they put the "goo" on my tummy. Next up- glucose screening! Little nervous about that one too, cause I eat lots of candy to combat nausea, and have craved things like doughnuts. I'm trying to be good the next few weeks! Anyways, there ya have it folks!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Hooray for halfway, Doughnuts, and Dreams

Soo, I've been pregnant before. Duh. And I had crazy dreams while pregnant with Caleb- but seriously they don't compare to these! It seems every night is more crazy than the one before! And it seems that instead of random, irregular nightmares or wierdness, it's every night! Man, I need some sleep! Luckily we have a darkened window, and I share a queen bed with Caleb right now, so cuddling helps him sleep the morning away! At least that way I get about 10 hours of interrupted sleep! hahaha

Doughnuts. What can I say? I have a new found addiction I think! And I went one time to the other local doughnut shop in town with my brother, but as we pulled to the drive-thru (another perk of this particular place) he said they used to smoke inside so he wasn't sure if they did or not! Sheesh! I normally don't love smoky places, but especially while pregnant that just sounded gross! So we went somewhere else. HOWEVER, my mama took me to the store the other day, and while were out she asked if I wanted some doughnuts- um yeah! She took me to the first place and I was hesitant, but she said NO they used to smoke in there, but after the clean indoors act was passed in TN, whenever that was, they no longer do! Lucky me! These doughnuts are even better! Oh chocolate iced chocolate cake doughnut- some days I pine for you! PLUS, the more you get, the cheaper it is! That's why we get so many every time for my mom, me and Caleb- being thrifty of course! hahaha ;)

YES! I am finally what I'm considering HALFWAY!!! 19 weeks today, but since I'm having a scheduled c-section, I'm hoping to only go to 38 weeks. Halfway is good, but man, when my brother's wife had their baby last week, I was slightly jealous!!! :) Yeah, she definitely deserved to be at the end, I just wish I was too! Hoping I feel up to a trip to N.C. to see that babe this summer!!! Ashlyn is her name. I so want to hold her! )

Next week people!!!! Tuesday is the big news day- and as long as this babe and I are doing alright, it's gonna be good news! We're down to the top two names for a boy or a girl, so hopefully we can decide soon. Caleb is still set on James for a boy- I like it as a middle name- but we'll see- maybe he'll just call the baby that anyway regardless of what the birth cert. says! haha
I'll keep you updated!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Pain and then Reward

17 Weeks TODAY!
This pregnancy has been full of pain. One of the scariest ones is my hips and tailbone. Many don't know this, but I actually BROKE my tailbone during delivery of Caleb. Yeah, it was bad along with everything else that went horribly wrong. Ever since my long drive to Tennessee two weeks ago, I have been having to ice my tailbone, lower back, and hips almost everyday- mostly if I get some exercise in or overexert myself. I'm sure it could be a different bed too, along with not resting enough, so I try to take care of it, but I hope it stays under control while I gain weight with this pregnancy, cause I haven't weighed this much since I was pregnant with Caleb.
Tummy troubles. My stomach has had so many different pains this pregnancy, mostly normal I hope. Yesterday at church I was doubled over in pain and crying it hurt so bad! I had to leave, take some Tylenol (first time I've given in so far), eat, and take medicine before laying down to rest. Mostly its been regarding ligament pains, hunger pains, and upset stomach before and after puking, so I hope that's all it was.

Last night I felt the baby for the first time!!! It was super weird- even though I've had one child, the first kicks are strange and foreign to me. For me it always feels like bubbles popping on the surface of my stomach, then frogs, then elephants stomping in there! For now its fun and unexpected, especially after the horrible day I had with stomach pain- flutters are much nicer!
It felt like such a tender mercy from the Lord after pain to feel my baby move!

I have some bump pictures to post, so when I get those organized I will!

Cravings, Aversions, and food- oh my!

I've found the last few weeks especially that I have really needed lots of fluids to keep from being nauseous and also stay dehydrated. However, one problem that I've had is that I can't drink much water before getting nauseous or at least an upset stomach. WEIRD! I used to drink so much water everyday that it's hard for me to resist it and always try to find something else. Especially when you add to that fact that I now cannot drink MILK! I love milk, but during pregnancy I become somewhat lactose intolerant- meaning not drinking milk (it can be in things), eating ice cream, large amounts of cheese (like a grilled cheese sandwich is too much), or anything else with tons of dairy. It makes me sad since we eat So much dairy at our house- my husband is a MAJOR fan of it! I feel like I take in SO much sugar just through my drinks, does anyone have any better suggestions to keep myself hydrated (especially if I've been vomiting)?? I have been drinking these liquids lately:

100% juice, mainly orange juice sounds good
powerade or gatorade
quality ginger-ale
and occasionally lemonade
I'm going to try buying lemons and just drinking lemon water because I really like that usually, it adds flavor so maybe the water won't make me sick, and no sugar! Did I also mention that citrus scents on my hands is one of my FAVORITES? And my outlet air fresheners right now are lemon- I think I'm officially on a kick.

Next, I just want to remember all the wierdness this pregnancy has brought in the way of food, so for my sake I'm documenting all major cravings and aversions.

*chicken-everything about it
*dairy- makes me sick but sometimes I still want a glass of milk I have to avoid
*anything too saucy
*cold cut sandwiches
*pizza- it tastes good, but makes we weary cause I've thrown it up half the time I've had it
*any room that is stuffy or too hot

*breakfast foods made of bread (pancakes, french toast, biscuits, toast, bagels, crepes, waffles etc.)
*DOUGHNUTS! This is so weird cause I can totally usually avoid them, I'd much rather have a brownie or cookies or something else! I might eat them twice a year if they're given to us or something, but I've gone to a local doughnut shop twice in the last two weeks and bought WAY too much! haha

*salad or cut veggies with dip- I have to be careful with this one though, cause too many raw veggies hurt my tummy
*pickles-yes, giant kosher dills - we've already gone through a gallon jar, and my mom bought two more!
*fruit, mainly citrus including oranges, lemons, and limes, but I've branched out to berries too now and will eat most fruit.
*fried green tomatoes- YUMMY!
Mexican food- ALL OF IT, even chimichangas at 10 am!!!

I never really had cravings with Caleb, just foods I asked for cause I knew I could keep them down! In fact, I couldn't handle citrus at ALL so this pregnancy has been MUCH different!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I'm grateful.

Colossians 1:11

Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

SICK and OCD part 2

Oh yeah, it's here to stay I fear. Still vomiting at 15 weeks, and even though I was hopeful, I was realistic that it might last the duration like with Caleb. Hyperemesis Gravidarium is a severe form of morning sickness that I've been cursed with. I take a medicine "cocktail" as I call it, and use every "magic trick for curing morning sickness" I've ever heard of, but it's just not that simple it seems in my case. Let's not go into what is was like to NOT be medicated. Anyways, so I've been blessed to stay with my mom and my brother while my husband is gone for 5 weeks for military training. Even after going through finals with Phillip, I can't imagine 24 hours by myself trying to care for myself and Caleb.

Another OCD moment...
Names. Oh yeah, we have them, however, they don't work for one simple reason: syllables. Yeah, along with all even birthdays, somehow the three of us managed to have three names each, with two syllables each, making them all flow in perfect harmony. NONE of the names for boys or girls we've picked fit into our already established pattern. haha It's a tough life I lead....

Now I've got to find a new hiding place for the don't worry be happy singing fish...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Due Date

Soooo, we all know I'm a little OCD about some things. I organize my closet by color and style, all my tupperware is put together piece by piece in the cabinet, and well, I may or may not check the locks on the doors two or three times before I go to bed. Hey, in my current neighborhood, that's not so strange actually. When I've been pregnant, most of my OCD tendencies completely fly out the window. I barely have strength to crawl out of bed daily (some days even THAT hasn't been feasible), so extras like neurotic amounts of cleaning to prevent palmetto bugs just doesn't happen. The only thing I really have strength to do too much of is think. Now, these things usually wouldn't phase me, only the fact that we're having another child actually even makes me think of them or makes them very significant at all. HOWEVER a few things have indeed been making me loose sleep at night. And yes, I understand they are irrational and crazy so you can think that too! Haha. So here's the first one.

First of all, the due date of this baby. Now, I know that only about 10% of babies are born on their actual due date- that's not the problem. The problem is changing due dates. Well, Caleb's "due date" didn't go so well. Here's a breakdown for you to base my skepticism of due dates on. Caleb was projected by me originally via the traditional method to be born on November 15th. First doctor appt. they used the same method and said okay, baby's due November 15th. Next appt., ultrasound, the "most reliable" I've been told of any you can have throughout your pregnancy- due date changes to DECEMBER 5th! Now, three weeks is quite drastic if you ask me, and because I get very ill during pregnancy (lost 20 lbs with Caleb in about the first 16 weeks), my babies tend to start small and growing takes a while. So 20 week ultrasound with Caleb comes and it agrees with November 15th. Hmm. Midwives and docs went back and forth on whether to change it or not, it didn't change. HOWEVER, I ended up having complications and a third ultrasound around 33 weeks. Magically I measured 3 weeks larger for a due date of November 12th. Interesting, no? Ended up, Caleb was induced because of complications at 39 weeks, and weighed a VERY healthy 8lbs 5ounces. Ummm. Now to my current conundrum.

Original due date, November 3rd. Now, November 14th but according to two ultrasounds. Okay, fine, the only issue now is guess what? I'm also having a scheduled c-section which the doctor wants to do at 39 weeks, I'm still fighting for 38 because yeah, that places d-day on November 7th. A Monday. Problem? Not unless your firstborn is having a birthday the NEXT DAY! I know it sounds dumb, I just want them to have their own special birthday though some would say its fun to share. Anyways, the real problem is that I want an even birthday. Yeah I know. I like even numbers better- Caleb was born on the 8th which is my lucky number actually. Point is really that Phillip's birthday is on the 16th. Mine is on the 26th. Caleb's is on the 8th. If any of those weren't even I wouldn't care. Just don't want the babe to be the odd man (or woman) out ya know?

I know, I'm crazy. Pregnancy does that to ya.
Think my doc will go for my logic?
Can I also just throw out there that October 20th is the week of Phil's fall break? And my brother's that still lives with my mom? It would seriously make things so much easier haha. That's when I originally thought the baby would be born. This is what happens when you plan ahead!!!