Friday, October 14, 2011


I'm trying very hard to not be angry and bitter right now. I have a cold. A hideous, brain-numbing cold. It could be worse right? Oh the time I had bronchitis two months ago. Or maybe the time I was vomiting for 7 months prior to that. Or... I had a good cry yesterday and then decided to get better as fast as possible. The good news is, that will be lots easier with a husband home for the next week for fall break!!! So much for that final push during this break to get everything baby oriented done right? At least I got that extra 7 hours in bed today. Tonight I'm on my own while the boys enjoy a cookout. Caleb has been asking about it for two days now. Sorry for cooping you up between pain and sickness on my part for nearly two weeks buddy! Hoping for a better tomorrow!This weeks to-do was the car-seat and hospital bags. I'm telling myself I technically still have the weekend right??? I did get everything washed I'm steps.

Phillip hopes I have the baby next week so that I'm not frantically calling him during class telling him that I've gone into labor before November 10th. I so hope he's wrong. And all those dreams I and everyone around me has had- I hope those are wrong too. Another cup of hot chocolate will help my attitude I promise. Good night. :)


  1. Feel better and i hope a surge of happy energy comes for you and the fam as the new little one comes to you! love ya and wish we were there to help and meet him!

  2. awww, Dana! I hope you feel better soon! I still need to pack my hospital back and our car seat should be here any day (i hope!)
    so the picture... NOT my sister, but I think I might send you a surprise anyway... 'cause I like you SO much!:)
